DENTAL PRACTICE in Clifton, Union & Bridgewater

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is necessary for dental implants when there is not enough natural bone in the jaw to support the implant. This can happen for several reasons, including: tooth loss, gum disease, injury or genetic factors.

A dental bone graft is a surgical procedure that involves adding bone to the jaw to create a stable foundation for a dental implant or other dental restoration. A dental bone graft may be necessary if a patient does not have enough bone to support a dental implant. A bone graft may also be necessary if the existing bone is too weak or damaged to hold an implant in place.


Bone Grafting with PRF


Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) helps to enhance the healing process and improve the overall success rate of the graft. PRF is a technique used to enhance the healing process. Platelet-rich fibrin is created by drawing a small amount of the patient’s blood and spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets and growth factors. The resulting PRF material is then applied to the bone graft site to help promote healing and increase the success rate of the graft. When bone grafting is combined with PRF, the result is much more effective.

Bone Graft Procedure Process

During a dental bone graft procedure, a small piece of bone is taken from another part of the patient’s body. Most often this bone comes from a donor source and is grafted onto the jawbone in the area where the implant will be placed. The bone graft material may be either natural (autograft) or synthetic (alloplastic). Autografts are often preferred because they have a lower risk of rejection and infection.
Here are the steps involved in a bone graft for a dental implant:
  1. Initial consultation: The dentist or oral surgeon will evaluate the patient’s oral health and determine whether a bone graft is necessary.
  2. Pre-operative evaluation: The patient will undergo a pre-operative evaluation. This may include X-rays, CT scans, or other imaging studies to evaluate the jawbone. This will allow the dentist to determine the amount of bone that will be needed for the graft.
  3. Harvesting bone graft material: The bone graft material may be harvested from the patient’s body or from a donor source. In some cases, synthetic bone material may be used instead of natural bone material.
  4. Preparing the graft site: The dentist will make an incision in the gums to expose the area where the bone graft will be placed. The site will then be cleaned and prepared for the graft material.
  5. Placing the graft material: The graft material is then placed into the prepared site and secured in place. The dentist may also use a PRF membrane to cover the graft site and help promote healing.

The Healing Process


The healing process for dental bone grafting typically takes several months. However, this timeline can vary depending on the size and location of the graft and the patient’s overall health and healing abilities. During the healing process, the patient may need to avoid certain foods that could disrupt the healing process. This may include hard or crunchy foods, hot or spicy foods, and foods that require excessive chewing. Proper oral hygiene is also important during the healing process to prevent infection and promote healing. The patient should brush and floss regularly, but avoid brushing the graft site until it has fully healed. In addition to this, the patient will need to return for follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process. The dentist will also ensure that the graft is successfully integrating with the existing bone. Overall, the healing process for dental bone grafting requires patience and careful attention to post-operative instructions to ensure a successful outcome.


In conclusion, a dental bone graft is a procedure used to rebuild or augment bone tissue in the jaw. Proper post-operative care is important for ensuring successful healing and long-term implant stability. A bone graft help to provide a stable foundation for a dental implant. This process allows for patients to restore their smile.

New patients $199.00
(Cleaning, Exam, X-rays, with Intraoral Scan)

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