DENTAL PRACTICE in Clifton, Union & Bridgewater

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are caps placed on top of broken or decayed teeth. When fillings are unable to treat the concerning area, crowns are utilized to preserve, cover, and restore the contour of your teeth.

Metal, porcelain, resin, and ceramic are all different material options that can be used for our dental crowns.Dental crowns typically last between five and fifteen years. The amount of “wear and tear” a crown is exposed to, as well as your oral hygiene and personal habits, can all affect its lifespan.

After a thorough examination of your oral health, our experienced Doctors will be able to determine whether a crown is the proper treatment option for you. Crowns are made especially to match your natural teeth and to improve the appearance of your smile— restoring your overall confidence

Types of Dental Crowns

Unless you’ve previously had a crown placed, you’re probably unfamiliar with the various sorts of crowns available and may be asking yourself, “What is a crown?”

Crowns are tooth caps constructed of various materials that are intended to protect damaged or weakened teeth. Our dentist near you may present you with a list of options for your dental crown, such as:


These crowns are made of Japanese zirconia of the greatest grade. BruxZir has increased light transmission over conventional restoration techniques, resulting in a more natural color and genuine appearance.


Gold and other metal composites, such as silver, platinum, copper, or tin, are used to make a mixed-metal crown.

Porcelain-metal fusion

These are more durable than conventional porcelain. These are popular among dentists because they’re long-lasting and combine the strength of a metal base with the cosmetic appeal of a porcelain surface.

Porcelain and Ceramic

These alternatives are visually pleasing since they mirror patients’ natural teeth the best, but they will not be as strong as other crowns.


Composite resin crowns are a more cost-effective solution, at least initially. These crowns have a remarkable resemblance to natural teeth, but if not properly cared for, they may wear down faster than conventional crowns.

How Long Does a Dental Crown Last?

Dental crowns typically last between five and fifteen years. The amount of “wear and tear” a crown is exposed to, as well as how well you follow oral hygiene routines and personal mouth-related behaviors, can all affect its lifespan. Steer clear of chewing ice, grinding your teeth, and biting your fingernails to increase the life of dental crowns.

Aesthetic Care Done Right!

Here are a few reasons why Access Dental is the go-to for all of your needs:

CO2 Laser Therapy

You’ll be happy to learn that our doctors are specialized in more than perfecting your smile. Access Dental is the only dentist in New Jersey to offer CO2 Laser skin Therapy — a quick and painless treatment that transforms your skin’s appearance. CO2 Laser skin therapy treats acne, acne scarring, wrinkles, sun spots and much more. Discover the amazing benefits of CO2 laser skin resurfacing today!

We Take Most Insurances

At Access Dental, we know that paying for your dental treatment, and other care you need, can often cause a lot of stress. We understand your concerns and are proud to say that we accept most insurance coverage. Don’t let finances get in the way of receiving the treatment you need. Contact us today to see if you’re among the many patients whose insurance is covered with us.


We have the experience and knowledge to care for all of your dental and facial aesthetic needs. We employ the latest technology to make your visits with us quick and your treatments the most effective. At Access Dental, we want to ensure that you leave satisfied with your results every time, whether that includes restorative dental treatments, like implants, bridges and fillings, or our advanced skincare treatments.

Free Parking

We understand that finding parking should be the last of your concern when visiting the dentist. That’s why Access Dental is happy to offer free parking to all of our patients.

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New patients $199.00
(Cleaning, Exam, X-rays, with Intraoral Scan)

Access Dental