DENTAL PRACTICE in Clifton, Union & Bridgewater

C02 Laser

One of our latest additions to Access is the C02 Laser. Only found in just a handful of practices across the country, C02 Laser skin resurfacing is a proven way to help reduce age spots, wrinkles, scars from acne, and other blemishes as well as tighten skin and balance tone. It uses targeted beams of light to remove the superficial layer of your skin.

This treatment yields dramatic improvements in skin tone and texture; evens out pigmentation and eliminates sunspots, as well as smoothes lines, including those around your mouth and eyes.

By physically removing the top layers of damaged skin, CO2 laser resurfacing also has medical benefits, removing pre-cancers and stimulating the growth of healthier younger skin!


PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) therapy is a cutting-edge, minimally invasive treatment that can help you restore your damaged skin and even bone! This treatment is performed using platelet-rich-fibrin derived from a small sample of your own blood.

Using your body’s own natural healing processes to reverse the signs of aging, PRF promotes tissue regeneration and enhances the appearance of your complexion. PRF therapy is completely safe and appropriate for all skin types and colors because it uses your own blood. If you want an easy and safe way to improve your looks, PRF therapy might be just what you need.

Here at Access Dental, we use PRF therapy across other services that we offer for added benefits including micro-needling and placing dental implants.

For dental use, PRF therapy is ideal in preparation for people who are about to have their implants placed for bone grafting. PRF therapy regenerates high-quality bone tissue; perfect for strong, comfortable, long-lasting dental implants.

Pano & 3D Imaging

Being able to clearly see all the facets of your jaw and teeth leads to excellent dental results. Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is a highly sought-after and critical diagnostic tool we use to assess if you’re a candidate for dental implants.

The CBCT system rotates around you, capturing detailed data points that are used to create 3D images of the teeth, mouth, jaw, neck, ears, nose, and throat, in multiplanar dimensions.

This new technology allows us to see more anatomy and detail than traditional film-based x-rays. The focused X-ray beam reduces scatter radiation, which results in better image quality and less exposure to radiation. With an improved visualization of your teeth, bone, and adjacent tissues, we will be able to better diagnose and treat any issues you may have.

Zoom whitening

When it comes to having whiter teeth in the most efficient way possible, the Zoom Whitening Technology allows you to get excellent results for your teeth in a fraction of the time compared to traditional whitening methods.

Zoom Whitening is a process for your teeth that is used to lighten the discoloration of enamel and dentin. Over the years as we age, tooth discolorations may occur due to drinking coffee, tea, coke, red wines, or from cigarette smoke.

To brighten them up, we use the Zoom chairside lamp technology to activate a substance containing hydrogen peroxide. As the hydrogen peroxide is broken down, oxygen enters the enamel and dentin to bleach the stained substances, leaving the structure of the tooth unchanged. Leaving your teeth consistently brighter and whiter!

The complete procedure takes less than an hour, but a regular teeth cleaning is recommended prior to the actual Zoom teeth whitening session.

Scanning (iTero)

The iTero 3D scanner captures real-time three-dimensional dental images in mere minutes. With these scans, we’re able to get a full picture of your mouth to accurately diagnose and treat your teeth.

These scans are much more detailed and accurate than traditional x-rays and have a built-in screen that shows real-time scan images in brilliant detail.

Traditionally, dental offices use molds to get an understanding of your teeth. But, with the iTero scanner, we can get much better information digitally and can assess your dental situation much more quickly.

3D Printer

Our 3D printer, right in our practice, has dramatically sped up the time for us to create the products we use in our dental procedures, including dental molds, nightguards, and surgical guides.

It allows our team to produce extremely accurate guides and provides you with a quicker turnaround time towards a beautiful smile. So, there are fewer appointments and lower costs. Which results in an improved patient experience.


New patients $199.00
(Cleaning, Exam, X-rays, with Intraoral Scan)

Access Dental